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Slooh This Week - July 8, 2024

Welcome to "Slooh This Week," a showcase of community activity and celestial events at Slooh. In Student Spotlight, we'll feature the best student work, Quest Posters, and Observations. If you'd like to be featured in the Student Spotlight, please submit content here.


Week of July 8, 2024

Week 28


The Moon:

The Moon commences the week at Waxing Crescent phase when we’ve scheduled special Missions on Monday evening.  It’s the Last Quarter Moon on Saturday and ends the week as a Waxing Gibbous phase.



Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are visible, as is the dwarf planet Pluto. Images of Jupiter will be poor because the planet is still distant and low in the sky, but start collecting images so you can track how it increases in apparent size and gets clearer during the apparition (viewing season).

Deep Sky Objects:

With mixed levels of moonlight this week, don’t schedule Missions to fainter objects when the Moon is above the horizon.


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