Slooh’s flagship observatory is situated at the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands, one of the leading observatory sites in the world and home to the largest telescope in the world. Slooh CEO Michael Paolucci presents to King Felipe VI of Spain at the 30th Inauguration of the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands.


In order to fulfill its mission of providing 24-hour coverage of the night sky, Slooh expand its network of observatories in the Southern Hemisphere to Chile and Australia, in partnership with the Catholic University and the Southern Robotic Observatory Facility in Siding Spring respectively. Slooh also signs a partnership agreement with SECMOL to build an observatory in Ladakh, India in 2024.

Slooh’s pioneering live coverage of celestial events like eclipses and near-Earth asteroids is carried by media outlets worldwide, including Google Doodle, and viewed by hundreds of millions of people.


Slooh is awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation for its proposal entitled ‘Curriculum Driven Gamification of Space Exploration”. The funding is used to develop Quests, its standards-aligned curriculum from 4th grade to college, as well as to introduce Gravity Points, which reward students for learning and sharing knowledge with the community.

By the numbers: Slooh members have reserved over one million Missions, viewed over 50,000 unique celestial objects, captured over ten million images, shared 25,000 Observations, started 70,000 Quests, and accumulated over 23 million Gravity Points.

In order to develop a global community of space explorers, Slooh establishes partnerships with education institutions worldwide including Purdue University, The West Sound STEM Network, an Islamabad Girls’ School and many more.

Slooh closes a $5m funding round led by Connecticut Innovations, Michael Paolucci, and several family offices, including investors dedicated to space education.

Slooh is named a "Most Innovative Space Company"
by Fast Company.

Slooh signed a partnership agreement with the Space Foundation and Space Workforce for Tomorrow to prepare the future workforce. Students accumulating Slooh Badges and Gravity Points will earn space industry workforce certification in 2025.

Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands
National Science Foundation

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Connecticut Innovations

Region 12 Schools

Brownsville ISD

West Sound
STEM Network