Aug 31, 2023Slooh Announces New Australian ObservatoryWe are pleased to announce the addition of a new Slooh observatory in Siding Spring - the astronomy capital of Australia! Alongside...
Jul 17, 2023Next Generation Product Release We are thrilled to announce that starting today and in stages over the next several weeks we will release the next generation of Slooh!!...
Jul 10, 2023Ring of Fire Annular EclipseSlooh is excited to announce our LIVE broadcast of the 2023 “Ring of Fire” annual eclipse with live telescope feeds! The show commences...
Jul 10, 2023It's Supermoon Season & Slooh is Celebrating with a Star Party!The Full Sturgeon moon returns to the night sky on August 1st, 2023 - and you can watch it LIVE and capture your own images of it on...
Jul 4, 2023Perseid Meteor ShowerOne of the most popular and widely observed meteor showers is almost here! It isn't the most prolific shower of the year but is the most...