Slooh’s learning progression for school districts
Students learn to explore space like professional astronomers via computer interface. With hands-on, age-appropriate experiential learning, Slooh takes students beyond simulation to collect and analyze their own data as they master a new, real-world environment.
Paths of Exploration
Space is a vast wilderness. Slooh is like a national park with trails and guides.

Lead your students into space and see how far they go.
It's time to include space science in the school curricula. That’s why the White House recently announced support for space education to prepare the future workforce.


NGSS aligned
Biology is taught with microscopes and astronomy with telescopes. Although it hasn’t been practical for schools to set up their own telescopes, online telescopes make the study of space accessible for everyone.
Teachers require tools to investigate space phenomena.
Slooh enables students to collect and analyze data under different conditions to provide evidence to support claims they make about phenomena.
Slooh’s NGSS-aligned learning activities can fit any schedule or budget.

Independent Study Programs
Slooh facilitates a variety of independent study programs in citizen science, workforce development, and science communications. Among many options, students can:
create a portfolio of their work and learn to publish articles in science journals.
form and manage an astronomy club to engage all students, teachers, and parents in your community.
create a poster for your science fair and Slooh's Astronomy Fair competition
learn to host live and recorded celestial Star Parties
learn from industry professionals to develop skills for the space workforce

Privacy Statement
We use industry-standard SSL to ensure that student data is encrypted and transmitted securely from end to end. We make every effort to comply with:
Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Family Educations Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Any teacher, even those without a background in science or astronomy, can easily lead space investigations with Slooh’s integrated support.
Slooh astronomers provide teacher support
Teacher training
Get classrooms exploring quickly with short training videos, teacher support webinars, and professional development.
Teacher administration
Learning activities include teacher guides, lesson plans, student assignment, formative and summative assessment.
Gamified learning
Exploration badges and gravity points entice student-learning while making it easy for teachers to monitor student progress.
Any teacher, even those without a background in science or astronomy, can easily lead space investigations with Slooh’s integrated support. We equip teachers with the knowledge and confidence to facilitate space exploration with learners of all ages.
Professional Development
On-Demand Resources
With a mix of articles and videos, your team will find the resources they need to master the platform independently.
On-Site PD
Work with a member of Slooh Crew for 3 hours at your site to get up to 25 educators from orientation to adoption and beyond.
Live, Virtual PD
For individuals and groups of up to 40, log in for 90 minutes with a member of Slooh Crew to navigate through the platform together.

Wallingford Public School

Allen Academy

Plano Independent School District

Crossroads School for Arts and Sciences

Innovations International Charter School of Nevada

The Hockaday School

Region 12 Schools

West Sound STEM Network
Contact Slooh
Let us show you how educators are using Slooh to inspire their students. Please fill out the form so we can help you to get started with Slooh.
If you are ready to purchase, please visit our Pricing page and Request a Quote.
Slooh integrates with your LMS including PowerSchool, Brightspace, Canvas, Schoology, and Google Classroom.
We look forward to leading your students into space!

Astronomy is the gateway science
86% of students say Slooh has increased their interest in science.
Students who study space are more likely to pursue a STEM career.
Space exploration inspires learning in science, math, literacy, and art.
Astronomy is the oldest science and of fundamental interest to all humans.
"For states that want to develop a workforce prepared to explore space as one of their economic strategies, Slooh is a must curriculum. Slooh helps students prepare for careers in space that we cannot even imagine."

Susan Tave Zelman
Former State Superintendent of Public Education, Ohio
“Slooh brings the wonder, excitement, and dreams children associate with space exploration and the cosmos directly into every classroom.”

Dr. David Goldblatt
Former Superintendent of Saddle River School District, NJ
Student-led Space Explorers Club
High school students form and manage a school district-wide club as an independent study project to engage all students, teachers and parents in your community. It is like a school newspaper led by students and maintained from year to year under the supervision of a teacher/administrator. Slooh will mentor club leaders with younger students in apprenticeship roles as elementary and middle school representatives.
With Slooh’s district license, all students, teachers and parents have access including:
Live Star Parties featuring amazing celestial events
Independent study programs in citizen science, careers in space and science communications
Classroom research projects and science fair poster creation
Summer school offered directly to students on Slooh